Weston Historical Society
... collecting, preserving, educating
All videos courtesy of Weston Media Center.
“King Philip’s War” by Eric Schultz
“Weston Agriculture 101: Adaptation and Change” by Brian Donahue
“Slavery in a Colonial New England Town” by Jane Sciacca
“Paul Revere: From Midnight Rider to Industrial Revolutionary” by Rob Martello
“Weston’s Burgoyne Elm: Do We Still Care?” by Pam Fox
“Massachusetts in the Women’s Suffrage Movement” by Barbara F. Berenson
“History of the Cambridge School of Weston” by Sherrill Bounnell
Weston in World War I
Two talks on Frederick Law Olmsted by Alan Banks and Pam Fox
A History of METCO in Weston: 50 Years
“American Pluck: Unsung Boston Heroes Who Shaped Our World” by Thomas M. Paine
Weston Friendly Society
Modernism in Weston
Filene’s: Boston’s Great Specialty Store
The Hub’s Metropolis