Col. Daniel S. Lamson's History of the Town of Weston, Massachusetts 1630-1890 was printed posthumously, in 1913, at the time of the town's Bicentennial. It is now available on Google Books (see link in list).
Weston Bibliography
- The two principal books on Weston history are:
- Daniel S. Lamson’s History of the Town of Weston: 1630-1890 (1913) and
- Pamela W. Fox’s Farm Town to Suburb: The History and Architecture of Weston, Massachusetts 1830-2020, Second Edition (2020) (available at Weston Public Library, Love Lane Press, and Amazon) — $10 off for Weston Historical Society members (PDF).
- This bibliography (PDF) of Weston books, newspapers, directories, and maps is taken from Farm Town to Suburb: the History and Architecture of Weston, Massachusetts 1830-1980 (First Edition).
- The two principal books on Weston history are:
Weston Resources
Weston Public Library Local History Room
Weston Town Crier
1955 – present: available on microfilm at WPL (not yet online, although WPL is working on it)
Weston Media Center
Weston High School
Town of Weston
Weston History Books Online
Weston history at Google Books:
Massachusetts Libraries, Organizations, and State Services
American Antiquarian Society. Founded in 1812, this independent research library in Worcester houses the largest and most accessible collection of books, pamphlets, broadsides, newspapers, periodicals, music, and graphic arts material printed through 1876 in what is now the United States. Extensive digital collections.
Boston Athenaeum. Founded in 1807, the Athenaeum is one of the oldest and most distinguished independent libraries and cultural institutions in the United States. The first floor is open to the public. Extensive digital collections.
Boston Public Library. With an e-card, Massachusetts residents have access to many genealogy resources including the Boston Globe (with partial obituary index), the New York Times, and 19th Century U.S. newspapers. E-card registration is free.
Colonial Society of Massachusetts, a non-profit educational foundation, was founded in 1892 to promote the study of Massachusetts history from the earliest settlement to the early 19th century. Extensive publication series online.
Congregational Library and Archives, a non-profit organization founded in 1853, is dedicated to the collection and preservation of records of New England Congregational churches. First Parish Church of Weston participates in the library's efforts. Many of the church's oldest documents, now on permanent loan, have been scanned and are available online.
Digital Commonwealth was founded in 2006 as a non-profit collaborative to manage and disseminate cultural heritage materials held by Massachusetts libraries, museums, historical societies, and archives.
First Parish Church Archives, see Congregational Library and Archives above.
Historic New England was founded in 1910 as the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities (SPNEA). The non-profit historic preservation organization owns and operates museums and study properties throughout New England.
The Massachusetts Historical Society, an independent research library, was founded in 1791 to collect, preserve, and make accessible manuscripts and other materials in order to promote the study of the history of Massachusetts. Extensive online resources.
The Massachusetts State Archives preserves and makes accessible state records and operates the Commonwealth Museum, a Massachusetts history museum at Columbia Point. Online resources include a collections database (1629 – 1799), indexes to passenger manifests (1848 – 1891), and vital records (1841 – 1910).
The Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) was established by the legislature in 1963 to identify, evaluate, and protect important historical and archaeological assets of the Commonwealth. For online resources see MACRIS below.
MACRIS (Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System) contains the Massachusetts Historical Commission database of information on historic properties and areas in the Commonwealth.
Massachusetts Registry of Deeds for Southern Middlesex, located in Cambridge, houses deed records for Weston, many of which are now available online.
Massachusetts Secretary of State - Vital Records Search 1841–1910
Massachusetts Vital Records (maintained by a private citizen)
National Archives of Boston holds records of Federal agencies and courts in the six New England states. It also houses some New England military service records including Civil War draft lists and muster rolls and Navy and Marine Corps records. Online research tools and aids.
New England Historic and Genealogical Society (NEHGS), the nation’s leading comprehensive resource for family history research, was founded in 1845 and provides extensive genealogical services., their website, is an online repository for more than one billion searchable names from America and beyond.
Northeast Document Conservation Center. Founded in 1973, NEDCC specializes in treating collections made of paper or parchment and offers conservation treatment, digital imaging, audio preservation, and other services. Their website offers free resources including preservation leaflets.
*Note: Weston and Waltham were originally part of Watertown.
Nearby Historical Societies
A list of local historical societies is published by the Museum Directory. A list of societies and historical sites can also be found at MassHome.
A list of local historical societies and a wealth of historic preservation information can be found at
Other Resources
A Guide to Researching the History of a House, by Home Advisor, includes many useful online resources for home research.
- Cyndi's List, a categorized and cross referenced index to genealogical resources on the internet.